Many dialogue systems (DSs) lack characteristics humans have, such as emotion perception, factuality, and informativeness. Enhancing DSs with knowledge alleviates this problem, but, as many ways of doing so exist, keeping track of all proposed methods is difficult. Here, we present the first survey of knowledge-enhanced DSs. We define three categories of systems - internal, external, and hybrid - based on the knowledge they use. We survey the motivation for enhancing DSs with knowledge, used datasets, and methods for knowledge search, knowledge encoding, and knowledge incorporation. Finally, we propose how to improve existing systems based on theories from linguistics and cognitive science.
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通用数据模型解决了标准化电子健康记录(EHR)数据的许多挑战,但无法将其集成深度表型所需的资源。开放的生物学和生物医学本体论(OBO)铸造本体论提供了可用于生物学知识的语义计算表示,并能够整合多种生物医学数据。但是,将EHR数据映射到OBO Foundry本体论需要大量的手动策展和域专业知识。我们介绍了一个框架,用于将观察性医学成果合作伙伴关系(OMOP)标准词汇介绍给OBO铸造本体。使用此框架,我们制作了92,367条条件,8,615种药物成分和10,673个测量结果的映射。域专家验证了映射准确性,并且在24家医院进行检查时,映射覆盖了99%的条件和药物成分和68%的测量结果。最后,我们证明OMOP2OBO映射可以帮助系统地识别可能受益于基因检测的未诊断罕见病患者。
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子痫前期是孕产妇和胎儿发病率和死亡率的主要原因。目前,先兆子痫的唯一明确治疗方法是胎盘的递送,这对于疾病的发病机理至关重要。已经广泛地进行了鉴定出差异表达的基因(DEGS),已经进行了广泛的先兆子痫对人胎盘的转录分析。使用无偏见的测定法确定了DEG,但是,在实验上研究DEG的决策受到许多因素的偏见,导致许多DEGS仍未被评估。一组与疾病在实验上相关的DEG,但与文献中的疾病尚无相关性,被称为无知组。先兆子痫具有广泛的科学文献,大量的DEG数据库,只有一种确定的治疗方法。促进基于知识的分析的工具能够将许多来源的不同数据结合起来,以提出基本的行动机制,可能是支持发现并提高我们对这种疾病的理解的宝贵资源。在这项工作中,我们证明了如何使用生物医学知识图(KG)来识别新型的先兆子痫分子机制。现有的开源生物医学资源和公开可用的高通量转录分析数据用于识别和注释当前未经资助的先兆子痫相关的DEG的功能。使用文本挖掘方法从PubMed摘要中鉴定出与先兆子痫相关的基因。文本媒介和荟萃分析衍生的列表的相对补体被确定为未经投票的前启示性脱位相关的DEG(n = 445),即先前的无知组。使用KG研究相关的DEG,揭示了53种新型临床相关和生物学作用的机械关联。
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Cataloging the complex behaviors of dynamical systems can be challenging, even when they are well-described by a simple mechanistic model. If such a system is of limited analytical tractability, brute force simulation is often the only resort. We present an alternative, optimization-driven approach using tools from machine learning. We apply this approach to a novel, fully-optimizable, reaction-diffusion model which incorporates complex chemical reaction networks (termed "Dense Reaction-Diffusion Network" or "Dense RDN"). This allows us to systematically identify new states and behaviors, including pattern formation, dissipation-maximizing nonequilibrium states, and replication-like dynamical structures.
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The visual dimension of cities has been a fundamental subject in urban studies, since the pioneering work of scholars such as Sitte, Lynch, Arnheim, and Jacobs. Several decades later, big data and artificial intelligence (AI) are revolutionizing how people move, sense, and interact with cities. This paper reviews the literature on the appearance and function of cities to illustrate how visual information has been used to understand them. A conceptual framework, Urban Visual Intelligence, is introduced to systematically elaborate on how new image data sources and AI techniques are reshaping the way researchers perceive and measure cities, enabling the study of the physical environment and its interactions with socioeconomic environments at various scales. The paper argues that these new approaches enable researchers to revisit the classic urban theories and themes, and potentially help cities create environments that are more in line with human behaviors and aspirations in the digital age.
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Anomaly detection on time series data is increasingly common across various industrial domains that monitor metrics in order to prevent potential accidents and economic losses. However, a scarcity of labeled data and ambiguous definitions of anomalies can complicate these efforts. Recent unsupervised machine learning methods have made remarkable progress in tackling this problem using either single-timestamp predictions or time series reconstructions. While traditionally considered separately, these methods are not mutually exclusive and can offer complementary perspectives on anomaly detection. This paper first highlights the successes and limitations of prediction-based and reconstruction-based methods with visualized time series signals and anomaly scores. We then propose AER (Auto-encoder with Regression), a joint model that combines a vanilla auto-encoder and an LSTM regressor to incorporate the successes and address the limitations of each method. Our model can produce bi-directional predictions while simultaneously reconstructing the original time series by optimizing a joint objective function. Furthermore, we propose several ways of combining the prediction and reconstruction errors through a series of ablation studies. Finally, we compare the performance of the AER architecture against two prediction-based methods and three reconstruction-based methods on 12 well-known univariate time series datasets from NASA, Yahoo, Numenta, and UCR. The results show that AER has the highest averaged F1 score across all datasets (a 23.5% improvement compared to ARIMA) while retaining a runtime similar to its vanilla auto-encoder and regressor components. Our model is available in Orion, an open-source benchmarking tool for time series anomaly detection.
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Current language models are considered to have sub-human capabilities at natural language tasks like question-answering or writing code. However, language models are not trained to perform well at these tasks, they are trained to accurately predict the next token given previous tokes in tokenized text. It is not clear whether language models are better or worse than humans at next token prediction. To try to answer this question, we performed two distinct experiments to directly compare humans and language models on this front: one measuring top-1 accuracy and the other measuring perplexity. In both experiments, we find humans to be consistently \emph{worse} than even relatively small language models like GPT3-Ada at next-token prediction.
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Recurrent neural networks are a widely used class of neural architectures. They have, however, two shortcomings. First, they are often treated as black-box models and as such it is difficult to understand what exactly they learn as well as how they arrive at a particular prediction. Second, they tend to work poorly on sequences requiring long-term memorization, despite having this capacity in principle. We aim to address both shortcomings with a class of recurrent networks that use a stochastic state transition mechanism between cell applications. This mechanism, which we term state-regularization, makes RNNs transition between a finite set of learnable states. We evaluate state-regularized RNNs on (1) regular languages for the purpose of automata extraction; (2) non-regular languages such as balanced parentheses and palindromes where external memory is required; and (3) real-word sequence learning tasks for sentiment analysis, visual object recognition and text categorisation. We show that state-regularization (a) simplifies the extraction of finite state automata that display an RNN's state transition dynamic; (b) forces RNNs to operate more like automata with external memory and less like finite state machines, which potentiality leads to a more structural memory; (c) leads to better interpretability and explainability of RNNs by leveraging the probabilistic finite state transition mechanism over time steps.
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Survival analysis is the branch of statistics that studies the relation between the characteristics of living entities and their respective survival times, taking into account the partial information held by censored cases. A good analysis can, for example, determine whether one medical treatment for a group of patients is better than another. With the rise of machine learning, survival analysis can be modeled as learning a function that maps studied patients to their survival times. To succeed with that, there are three crucial issues to be tackled. First, some patient data is censored: we do not know the true survival times for all patients. Second, data is scarce, which led past research to treat different illness types as domains in a multi-task setup. Third, there is the need for adaptation to new or extremely rare illness types, where little or no labels are available. In contrast to previous multi-task setups, we want to investigate how to efficiently adapt to a new survival target domain from multiple survival source domains. For this, we introduce a new survival metric and the corresponding discrepancy measure between survival distributions. These allow us to define domain adaptation for survival analysis while incorporating censored data, which would otherwise have to be dropped. Our experiments on two cancer data sets reveal a superb performance on target domains, a better treatment recommendation, and a weight matrix with a plausible explanation.
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